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Mentoring Program

The Mentoring Program helps to provide a confidential and supportive environment for all office professionals that require some extra advice and assistance in their role.

The aim was to develop a mentoring framework in 2024 for AIOP members to put in place tools for members to use, and we DID JUST THAT!

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is a relationship between two people with the goal of professional and personal developmentThe "mentor" is usually an experienced individual who shares knowledge, experience, and advice with a less experienced person, or "mentee." (Courtesy: Extract taken from Mind Tools)

There are three types of mentoring:

  • Traditional one-on-one Mentoring. A mentee and mentor are matched, either through a program or on their own.
  • Distance Mentoring. A mentoring relationship in which the two parties (or group) are in different locations.
  • Group Mentoring. A single mentor is matched with a cohort of mentees.

Why mentoring?

Benefits for mentors

There are many benefits of mentoring for individuals who have developed their career skills and gained several years of experience. Here are some benefits you might experience when becoming a mentor:

  •   A feeling of personal accomplishment,
  •   Increased job satisfaction and confidence,
  •   Stronger community engagement,
  •   Advanced skills,
  •   Improved leadership abilities,
  •   Increased advancement potential,
  •   A build-up of trust by two people who didn't know each other.

Benefits for the mentee

  •    Personalised guidance from an experience person 
  •    Accelerated professional development
  •    Increased networking opportunities
  •    More focused goals
  •    Increased motivation
  •    Personalised evaluations

Mentoring information

The role of the mentee

  • Is responsible for managing their own learning
  • Increased confidence by leading the project
  • To come prepared for their mentoring sessions
  •  Carry out actions

Responsible for arranging meetings with their mentor and for deciding upon the agenda.
overall responsibility for managing the relationship

The role of the mentor

Deliver professional support to enable the mentee to gain insights and to achieve goals. Asks questions to develop clarity about direction, develop ideas, and decide on a plan of action. offers advice, guidance and support.

  • Committed to supporting others
  • Make time to meet regularly and manage the framework of sessions.
  • To listen, give alternative perspectives, share experience, personal contacts, and skills.

Become a Mentor 

If you are interested in reaching out to mentor anyone in the administration profession, please contact

There are also courses you can take in mentoring.

The following Mentoring forms are to be completed to join the program:

  • Application to become a Mentor 
  • Application to become a Mentee
  • Mentoring Agreement.  This form is to be completed once the Mentor and Mentee have been successfully matched. 

If you have any queries, please email

The Art of Mentoring Academy offers a range of on-demand courses along with resources designed by our experts to help guide and support your learning. Associate and Professional membership courses are broken down into bite-sized modules and take between 35-90 minutes each to complete, making it easy to work at your own pace and within your busy schedule.

Privacy Statement

The Australian Institute of Office Professionals (AIOP) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information collected about you in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles. AIOP’s privacy policy is available by contacting the National Administration Director.

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Australian Institute of Office Professionals (AIOP) ABN 68 004 992 527

National Secretariat:

POST:   PO Box 182, Waratah NSW 2298


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